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We Provide Long-Term Parking in Philadelphia, PA

Over the years, we have become the nation’s most respected parking services provider for fliers. Long-term parking in Philadelphia, PA has never been more accessible. We work hard to make our customers feel comfortable leaving their vehicles and belongings on our lot. We do so by providing around-the-clock surveillance and hiring committed and trustworthy employees. We carefully screen all hires and provide ongoing training that helps to broaden their understanding of their jobs. The Purchase Park 2 Fly name is synonymous with quality, trustworthiness, and simplicity for those reasons – and more.

parking lot

What to Expect From Our Philadelphia Parking Facility

We have over 25 years of experience serving our customers. That experience has taught us the importance of making your life easier. Air travel isn’t without difficulties. A lot goes into a trip, from planning an itinerary to procuring lodging at your destination. While we can’t help you buy airplane tickets or rent a car, we can make it easier to park your vehicle for the duration of your trip. When you park with us, you can expect a flat rate of $14.95 per day. There will be an extra charge if you drive a vehicle larger than a sedan. These rates include:

  • Small SUV: $3 extra per day
  • Minivan / Midsized SUV: $5 per day
  • Large SUV / Truck: $7 per day
plane in air

Making Things Easier for Fliers for Over 25 Years

At Purchase Park 2 Fly, you can expect unparalleled customer support from our team. That means we answer every question you have and do our best to accommodate your needs. We know the stress involved with travel. Whether you are a frequent flier or this is your first trip, you want to know someone will take care of your parking needs. We have a refined approach, enabling us to make your life easier. Contact us today for more information about our services, and move on to the next phase of your travel plans.

Ask About Our Frequent Parker Program

Do you spend a lot of time in the air or away from home? You may qualify for our Frequent Parker Program. This program allows you to enjoy benefits such as preferred rates and special programs. For instance, you’ll receive one free day for every 20 paid days. Whether you are a frequent flier or a one-time traveler, you’ll find that Purchase Park 2 Fly is the best option for no-hassle, safe, and affordable short- and long-term parking. Our past customers understand they can trust us to simplify their trips. Learn how we can help you today.


7001 Holstein Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19153



Business Hours
Full Service 24/7


7001 Holstein Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19153, USA

Please Visit One of Our 10 Convenient Locations