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A Parking Service Committed to Your Peace of Mind

Purchase Park 2 Fly proudly offers secure and safe long-term parking at JFK airport. We make parking simple. Because John F. Kennedy Airport is one of the busiest airports globally, finding a place to park your vehicle long-term can be a challenge. But that’s not the case when you work with us. We offer reasonable rates at convenient locations, our reservations don’t cost money, and we guarantee your safety and the safety of your belongings. Our team members undergo rigorous training and background checks, ensuring your peace of mind. Contact us today to learn more about what we have to offer.

Purchase Park 2 Fly Parking lot

Long-Term Parking at JFK Airport

Are you taking an extended business trip? Are you heading out for a vacation with the family or going overseas? Use Purchase Park 2 Fly JFK’s long-term parking! Our long-term airport parking includes 24-hour shuttle service so you don’t need to worry about making it to your terminal. We also have staff on duty 24/7 and a fenced-in parking lot to have peace of mind for your entire trip!


Short-Term Parking for JFK Travelers

We want you to be able to get in and out fast. Whether you’re getting away for a weekend, have a quick business meeting, or have a short turnaround time on your flights, Purchase Park 2 Fly has just what you need. Located less than 10 minutes from the terminal, our short-term airport parking provides quality service at a great price!

parking lot

We Help Make a Trip to JFK Airport Easier

Located 12 miles southeast of lower Manhattan, JFK International Airport is the largest airport in New York. JFK International is one of only two airports in North America that services all six of the inhabited continents. With 90 airlines landing at JFK, it handles the largest international air passenger traffic in North America. It’s easy to see why JFK is so busy. That’s where we come in. We make long and short-term parking at this airport a breeze. From the moment you call us to the minute you get back to your car, you can expect an easy process. That’s the Purchase Park 2 Fly promise.

Our Frequent Parkers Program

Do you spend a lot of time in the air or away from home? You may qualify for our Frequent Parker Program. This program allows you to enjoy benefits such as preferred rates and special programs. For instance, you’ll receive one free day for every 20 paid days. Whether you are a frequent flier or a one-time traveler, you’ll find that Purchase Park 2 Fly is the best option for no-hassle, safe, and affordable short- and long-term parking. Our past customers understand they can trust us to simplify their trips. Learn how we can help you today.


124-10 S Conduit Ave
Queens, NY 11420



Business Hours
Full Service 24/7


124-10 S Conduit Ave, Queens, NY 11420, USA

Please Visit One of Our 10 Convenient Locations