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Temporary Location Closure Notice

Due to the Port Authority’s advancement of a significant plan to transform transit and airport access for the underserved communities of Newark and Elizabeth, our Purchase Park 2 Fly location at Newark Bessemer Street will be closing temporarily as of July 14th. This means that after July 14th, this location, unfortunately, will no longer be accepting reservations. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding as these important infrastructure improvements take place.

Alternative Parking Options

To ensure you continue to receive the best parking experience, we encourage you to use our other nearby Purchase Park 2 Fly locations, which remain fully operational and ready to serve you. These locations are in partnership with our hotel partners on their property. We offer the same high-quality services you have come to expect from Purchase Park 2 Fly Newark Bessemer Street, including 24/7 operations with automated security and complementary shuttle services for an easy park-and-fly experience.

Embassy Suites Newark | Hilton Newark AirportĀ  | Courtyard Newark | Newark Renaissance Marriot

Newark Port Authority Construction

Background on the Closure

The closure of our Newark Bessemer Street site is part of the Port Authority’s comprehensive plan to enhance transit and airport access for the Newark and Elizabeth communities. This initiative aims to improve transportation infrastructure, making travel more efficient and accessible for residents and visitors alike.

We remain committed to providing exceptional parking solutions and are excited about the positive changes this project will bring to the community.

If you have any questions or need assistance in finding the best parking option for your needs, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team at 800-706-7275.

Thank you for your continued trust and support.

Please Visit One of Our 10 Convenient Locations